201 Ellicott

Surface parking reborn as affordable apartments, fresh food and public art

005117 01 N37 Cdwebsite

Ciminelli Real Estate
New York, United States
220,000 square feet

A truly transformative project built in downtown Buffalo on the eastern edge of its urban core, 201 Ellicott replaces a former parking lot with dynamic mixed-use affordable housing and a fresh food grocery. Purposely designed as a “mobility hub,” the space encourages people to walk, bike, take public transit, carshare or any other form of eco-friendly transportation.

The trifecta of a mobility hub, fresh food market and affordable housing are each needed assets in the City of Buffalo. The design integrates these resources into the community to catalyze positive impact immediately and for future generations. Thanks to the Albright-Knox’s Public Art Initiative, the development also includes a stunning mural painted by Josef Kristofoletti.

201 Ellicott
Josef Kristofoletti's mural brings vibrant colors to Buffalo's urban core every day from numerous perspectives. Titled ‘Golden Hour,’ the artwork is inspired by the time of day that coincides with sunrise and sunset.


  • We had hoped to do something special that would create a destination in our city, that would have affordable housing. We wanted to bring a market to the city. We knew that was a priority of downtown residents, in the core of downtown and on the East Side and the West Side. We couldn’t be more pleased.

    Byron W. Brown Buffalo Mayor
201 Elicott Braymiller Market 4
Braymiller Market has built a stellar reputation for bringing mostly local food to everyday people at prices they can afford. Their inclusion in this project helps alleviate challenges for those who live in Buffalo's East Side, the largest food desert in New York State.
201 Elicott Braymiller Market 1
201 Elicott Braymiller Market
201 Elicott Braymiller Market 2


  • You look at a project like this, and it really feels like we moved the needle in the community and really developed what we would consider to be a legacy project, not just for our company but for the community.

    Paul Ciminelli Ciminelli Real Estate Corporation CEO
201 Ellicott
The heart of the project is a 200-plus affordable housing community.
201 Ellicott
These affordable units seek to address a lack of quality affordable and workforce housing in the center of the city.
005117 01 N53 Letter
The mobility hub portion of the project features secure indoor bike parking, dedicated short-term rental cars, rideshare and bikeshare programs, carpooling, and an information kiosk connected to our partners at GoBuffalo who can help provide customized options.
201 Elicott 3
201 Elicott 2